Hey guys :)! First off, thanks to all the people who continue to visit this increasingly sporadically updating blog - tis truly much appreciated ^_^ Secondly...apologies for this frankly useless post ^^ Clearly, desserts are always running through my mind....
Anyway~ these babies are from Baked & Wired, another DC cupcake shop. The pictures don't show how utterly HUGE they are - they are the size of my face I swear. You can easily split one cupcake between 2 people.
Left to right: Teresa's Bday (maple icing), Mocha, Pretty Bitchin'
The good: the flavor of each of the 3 I tried were SO STRONG (yes, I ate all of them by myself and yes, I ate 2 of them and one sitting and almost died). There was no questioning the flavor of each cupcake and as a whole, the cake parts were moist and very dense and rich.
The bad: dude, I love icing and sweets but the icing on these things were pure sugar. Don't get me wrong, it's good icing and I like how they don't skimp but holy mother of god...it's just very sweet. Definitely not for those who dislike sweet stuff.
Twas helpful how they wrote what each flavor on the underside of the lid.
These are vague recollections since I ate these awhile ago: Pretty Bitchin' was a peanut butter flavored one - the icing was like eating peanut butter+sugar. Mocha was MOCHA; it tasted it very (artificial) mocha-ish for sure and a little subtly wouldn't have hurt. Teresa's Bday was my favorite I think, the maple icing was delicious~ In general, I can remember being overwhelmed by their size, sweetness, and in-your-face flavor. I think they were a little too sweet for me tho....a little more subtly and a little less frosting (I can't believe I just said that) and they would've made these a lot yummier.
On a totally random note - is anyone interested in doing a Zipia haul with me? For those who don't know what Zipia is, it's a wholesale clothing site that sells Korean street style clothing. The price, since it's wholesale, is pretty decent for the quality (better than Forever21, on par with H&M, not as good as The Limited/Banana Republic). It's the only place I buy Asian clothing because YesStyle strikes me as painfully expensive and most other places *coughwholesaledresscough* are better left ignored. The downside is that you have to purchase a minimum amount of $300 and while I love clothes, spending $300 in one sitting for street wear, non-work clothes makes my stomach flip. I normally buy Zipia via a soompi survey but I figured I'd post here first because I don't feel like waiting.
Peeps in the DC/VA/MD area would be ideal so we can do away with the extra leg of shipping (and we could meet up maybe :D). But if you're in other states and don't mind covering the me-to-you shipping, please feel free to join this impromptu Zipia haul! Obviously, there wouldn't be a service fee for anybody ^_^ I just wanna haul some Zipia baby~! I'd like to order sometime in the next few days/this week fyi. So yep, if anyone tis interested, let me know (via post below or email me at insideoutelle at gmail com).
Brrr...it's getting pretty cold over here - keep warm peeps!