H A P P Y N E W Y E A R !
Another day, another year. I'm not going to lie, 2010 has been a long one for me and I'm very glad it's over. However, at the same time this year has taught me a lot of things...the importance of having holding onto your integrity even when the going gets tough, of growing up, of counting the blessings that I have, and how even in troubled times there is always something to smile about. *insert cheesy music* Nevertheless, I hope 2011 will be the beginning of better things and I'm ready to just dive on in~ But if I want things to get better, I need to start off on the right foot :) So here we go!
The Notoriously Hard-to-Keep New Years Goals List
1.) Procrastination! When something need to be done, do it right away!
2.) Keep an updated address book.
3.) Sleep by midnight, get a full 8 hours. (tho I'm having doubts about this one already...)
4.) Keep up with this blog, strive to write more interesting posts and better reviews.
5.) Improve videos, make them more fun to watch, be creative...and start a vlog channel xD
6.) Take care of my health. Eat more veggies and try to cut back on sweets (...though my blog indicates this may not happen ^_~). Eat vitamin pills everyday (already doing this :D!). Overall, adapt a more balanced diet.
7.) Master writing in Korean.
8.) Master speaking in Spanish and increase vocabulary.
9.) Make nonprofit work and volunteering an integral part of my life.
10.) Drink more water! I hate drinking fluids (weird I know)...the need to pee just gets annoying :\ nic nic knows what I'm talking about ^_^. Yet when I do drink water I can really tell a difference in my skin....
And to everyone out there who takes the time to read this blog, you guys have brought me a lot of happiness in what has overall been a rough year. I read every comment and always think how lucky I am to have this opportunity to share this small piece of myself with all of you :)
I pretty much stole this banner from Elisa ^^ Sorry!
I was so excited to do this tag since it's not strictly beauty related and just a great way to quickly hit all the high and low points of 2010. Elisa from Memorable Days tagged me for this puppy (thank you!) and I'm glad I got it up just in time for New Years!
Ups of 2010
1.) This blog yo. I've just learned so much from the whole experience... how to edit videos, improve speaking on the spur of the moment, how to put on makeup (properly), find my way around the blogosphere, getting to know a lot of great people....:)
2.) Graduating! No more exams!
3.) Hopping around Korea for a glorious summer. I love traveling, though I don't get to do so as much as I would like. It was wonderful seeing Korea for the first time (well, I was there when I was 6 but that doesn't count since I don't remember a thing).
4.) Being able to come home to my family and not having to leave again for school ehhe ^^
Downs of 2010
1.) Health/allergies. Health-wise, this year has been a disaster for me. On the surface, a lot of people have complimented me on "losing weight" but I only look smaller and am lighter because I lost a lot of muscle mass and ate very poorly. I did not eat right during my last year in school, so I was sick quite often and my immune system suffered. I developed several severe allergic reactions all this year...twice on my face and twice from food. I'm positive that I've become so sensitive internally because I haven't been caring for my body as I should have been. I've been healthy and fit all my life (thanks to swimming), but last year without exercise, crazy sleep habits, stress, and a total aversion to cooking unless I was about to starve, I ruined the good health I've been lucky to have for so long.
2.) Being separated from many of my close friends. I miss them.
3.) And just a lot of little things that don't need to be rehashed cuz - it's a new year!
3.) And just a lot of little things that don't need to be rehashed cuz - it's a new year!
Technically, I should only tag 5 people but this is such a good tag...seriously....so if this strikes your fancy, definitely do it. Tho there are a couple of peeps I INSIST upon doing this tag and you know who you are ^_~
2011, here I come....
I wish everyone all the best~
Here's to hopes, dreams and a beautiful future!