Seche Vite Base Coat
Sally Hansen Xtremewear in Rockstar Pink 05
OPI for Sephora Flurry Me Up
Seche Vite Top Coat
Hi peeps! Oh man, I slept like a baby last night....for like 12 hours straight. Fell asleep at midnight and woke up at noon today ahah my favorite way to start a weekend :}
Anyway, I wore these nails for like....two month straight or something because it just lasted that long! This Sally Hansen glitter is insane - it is impossible to remove!! But it never chips either ^^ It literally took me an hour to remove this NOTD, I had to soak a cotton pad and leave it on each nail for 5 minutes and almost scape off the glitter >< It was like they were glued to my nails. But the main reason I kept this polish mostly because it's really easy to do the gradient nail look. Just add one thin coat onto your whole nail. Wait for it to dry (dries really fast). Then add a second coat to the upper half. The glitter builds really fast so it becomes essentially opaque after 2-3 coats. Then I added the big glitter specks from Flurry Up because...I felt like it xD And viola~ gradient nails that last at least a month!
Rockstar Pink is a glitter bomb with blue, purple, and silver glitter. It's very builable, lasts a very long time, and dries 8-10 minutes/coat. I recommend this polish if only because it's so easy to create gradient nails with these without the hassle of sponging. Sally Hansen in Rockstar was actually the first Sally Hansen polish I tried along with 270 Lacey Lilac. I bought them both at Walgreens while there was a Sally Hansen BOGO 50% off.
I was just playing around with different ways to wear Rockstar Pink ^_^ I like it best as a gradient over with no base color. Anyway, I wasn't crazy about Lacey Lilac. I was looking for more of a pure lavender with a blue undertone but this has a gray undertone that I think looks a little sickly. I don't really recommend it, honestly. Application wise it was fine though. Pastels and lighter colors tend to be streaky I think but this applied pretty smoothly. And here's closeup:
You can tell I'm more of a short-nail person ^^ My new interest in nail polish has helped me grow them out a bit but I tend to cut my nails when I'm stressed (no really) so they're usually pretty short. As for the dry skin ahah I have no excuse other than laziness xD