- I collect socks. Like cute, funny socks...not Fruit of the Loom xD
- I'm going through a stuffed animal/pillow phase (again). Most recent acquisition: a life size emperor penguin.
- I hate talking on cellphones :\ I don't know what it is but I get a massive headache after a minute or so. I prefer email/texting.
- I hated mushrooms till I went to college.
- I've had a Scutigera Coleoptrata on my arm once - one of the jumbo 2-3 inch ones not including the legs. The story in a nutshell: Fell asleep on the floor of my dorm, felt a tickle on my arm, woke up to one of these monsters only 3-4 inches from my face, sitting on my forearm. I screamed and almost fainted. Tried to squish it but these demons are fast I tell you...all those legs *shudder*
- Best smoothie I've ever tasted: Blueberry smoothie in some Philadelphia airport. Still searching for a smoothie to top that.
Craaaaaaapppp I had this vision of posting this on Valentine's Day to "spread the love" so to speak, but true to my procrastinating ways - IT'S LATE xD In any case, what better way to spread the love in the blogosphere than AWARD TAGS wheeee~ I haven't been commenting on other blogs lately (busy :( ) but once February is over...more blogstalking!
Tagged by Bella Chic :D She seems to have a very similar skin type to me so I stalk her constantly when I'm debating over what upper end brands/Japanese brands to buy. I was pretty excited to do this tag, especially since it's a bit different from the others :}
Tagging: Mara (He Calls Me Mara), Siwing (Life's A Beach~), Mookxi, Ssushoo, Jessica (Bubbles & Beauty), Nic Nic (Bang Bang She Shoots), Rinny (Rinny's Beauty Diary), Joyce (Happy Cloud Moments), Yumiko (ILOVEYESTERDAY), Stephanie (Beauty & Gardens), Julie (PDXBeautiful), Jennifer (Rainy Days & Lattes), Sisi (Sisi Sparkles), Elisa (Memorable Days), Sue Lynn (Where I Can Be Deeply Superficial), Lisa (HQCD), Msodapop, Winnie (Winniewingyi), Georgina (Coffretgorge), Ashura (Clover Beauty Inn)
I have to admit, I was rather surprised to get this since I'm about as stylish as...my 80 year old History professor (aka NOT). But I won't look the gift horse in the mouth xD So thank you Sisi Sparkles, who is the drugstore sale masta' :}
1. Ssushoo (she be so chill~)
2. Mishi a la Mode
3. Eyeliner & Heels
4. Fruity Lashes
5. Mad, Bad, & Dangerous to Know
6. Where I Can Be Deeply Superficial (Has the best picture tutorials on YouTube)
7. Fannie D
8. Magdalina (cute name eh ^_^?)
9. xoladiihoneyxo
10. Pretty Little Thing
11. Ahleessa4realz
12. Pop Champagne (ok, she's not a "recent" discovery but she's one of the few fashion/celeb gossip blogs I follow regularly ^^)
13. Bubbles & Beauty (hosting a fundraiser/giveaway for the Sloan Memorial Kettering Center! The prize is a Stila Make Me Love blush. Another one of the chillest YTers around).
14. Makeup Fancy (does some of the best EOTDs around)
15. Drey Jewelry (a recent jewelry maker discovery. Does a lot of kpop inspired pieces that totally stroke me the right way~)
From Eyeliner & Heels - thank you ^^! She tis a new find for me and it seems like we share a similar taste in makeup so I am anxious to see how her blog unfolds :}
2. Initials of first crush or was it love ;)? D.W.
3. I am terrible at pronunciation.
4. Favorite TV shows growing up: Magic School Bus, Arthur, Wishbone, This Old House
5. I talk to my computer.
6. Food staples: cheese, chocolate, rice, potatoes, and avocados
7. I love cats but I'm drawn towards dog psychology books :\ I'm reading A.H's Inside of A Dog right now and while it's convincing me that cats are still "superior," the idea of owning a dog is intriguing me more and more.
1. Hair: I will never go bald. As uncooperative as it is, I have a lot of it and it has a lot of natural volume.
2. Brows: They're naturally full (and bushy without plucking). Never needed to bother about filling in brows or such very much.
3. Eyelashes: Pretty long though it wouldn't kill them to be thicker ;) Overall, I am content.
4. Legs: I like 'em. Not too short or long and pretty slim.
5. Feet: I think having small feet make me clumsy since they're disproportionate to my height :\ But I usually get the shoes I want since 5.5 is rarely out ^^ and they feed my illusions of being some kind of Cinderella.
6. "Witty" conversationalist: I'm reasonably sure I cross the line between chatty and chatterbox too often but I think (and hope) that it makes me fun to be around ^^ And I think being fun to be around is a beautiful characteristic mirite ^^;;?
7. Child at heart: Or immature. I reckon I'm more the latter, but "child-at-heart" sounds so much more palatable to my deluded ego ;)

I Love Your Blog Tag
1. Why did you create this blog?
I'm not really sure. It was an intersection of a growing interest in makeup/skincare, wanting to share tidbits of info on lesser reviewed products, and an overgrown desire to just jump into the blogging world :}
2. What kind of blogs do you follow?
Mostly makeup review blogs. A small selection of fashion and Korean culture/ex-pat blogs.
3. Favorite makeup brand?
Hard one! I can't pick just one so I'll just list all of them ^_^ Urban Decay, Boscia, Skinfood, My Beauty Diary, and Benefit. Maybelline is inching its way on this list too.
4. Favorite clothing brand?
Walmart ahah but seriously, all my "staple" items like tank tops, long sleeves tops, and sweaters come from there xD On the other hand, I'd have to say Ann Taylor with Banana Republic being a close second.
5. Your indispensable makeup product?
Skinfood Mushroom BBcream. After it oxidizes, Shade 1 is my perfect match.
6. Your favorite color?
Green. In case you haven't noticed ^^
7. Your perfume?
Versace Bright Crystal: clean, sophisticated, and mixes well with my natural body scent.
8. Your favorite film?
ahhhhh another hard one! Ocean's 11 is what comes to mind first.
9. What country would you like to visit and why?
Oh lord, this one's so hard. I want to travel the world eventually, but Italy would be fantastic place to start.
10. Make up the last question and answer. What book are you reading right now? Malcolm Gladwell's What the Dog Saw. I love his crisp writing style - I think my favorite articles so far has been John Rock's Error and The Talent Myth (and god knows it makes me feel better ^_~). I can't wait till his next book!Oh lord, this one's so hard. I want to travel the world eventually, but Italy would be fantastic place to start.
Tagging: Mara (He Calls Me Mara), Siwing (Life's A Beach~), Mookxi, Ssushoo, Jessica (Bubbles & Beauty), Nic Nic (Bang Bang She Shoots), Rinny (Rinny's Beauty Diary), Joyce (Happy Cloud Moments), Yumiko (ILOVEYESTERDAY), Stephanie (Beauty & Gardens), Julie (PDXBeautiful), Jennifer (Rainy Days & Lattes), Sisi (Sisi Sparkles), Elisa (Memorable Days), Sue Lynn (Where I Can Be Deeply Superficial), Lisa (HQCD), Msodapop, Winnie (Winniewingyi), Georgina (Coffretgorge), Ashura (Clover Beauty Inn)
I have to admit, I was rather surprised to get this since I'm about as stylish as...my 80 year old History professor (aka NOT). But I won't look the gift horse in the mouth xD So thank you Sisi Sparkles, who is the drugstore sale masta' :}
With the acceptance of the award, you must follow these rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person that awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award. <---....I'll try >_>
7 things about myself:
1. Ssushoo (she be so chill~)
2. Mishi a la Mode
3. Eyeliner & Heels
4. Fruity Lashes
5. Mad, Bad, & Dangerous to Know
6. Where I Can Be Deeply Superficial (Has the best picture tutorials on YouTube)
7. Fannie D
8. Magdalina (cute name eh ^_^?)
9. xoladiihoneyxo
10. Pretty Little Thing
11. Ahleessa4realz
12. Pop Champagne (ok, she's not a "recent" discovery but she's one of the few fashion/celeb gossip blogs I follow regularly ^^)
13. Bubbles & Beauty (hosting a fundraiser/giveaway for the Sloan Memorial Kettering Center! The prize is a Stila Make Me Love blush. Another one of the chillest YTers around).
14. Makeup Fancy (does some of the best EOTDs around)
15. Drey Jewelry (a recent jewelry maker discovery. Does a lot of kpop inspired pieces that totally stroke me the right way~)
From Eyeliner & Heels - thank you ^^! She tis a new find for me and it seems like we share a similar taste in makeup so I am anxious to see how her blog unfolds :}
The rules say:1. I read webcomics.
1. Post about the award and copy the rules.
2. Link to the person who gave you the award.3. Choose 3-5 blogs you would like to give the award to and link them.I am sorry but I think I've tagged enough blogs for one post >< so pooped4. Leave a comment on their blog to let them know.
5. Write 7 things about yourself.
2. Initials of first crush or was it love ;)? D.W.
3. I am terrible at pronunciation.
4. Favorite TV shows growing up: Magic School Bus, Arthur, Wishbone, This Old House
5. I talk to my computer.
6. Food staples: cheese, chocolate, rice, potatoes, and avocados
7. I love cats but I'm drawn towards dog psychology books :\ I'm reading A.H's Inside of A Dog right now and while it's convincing me that cats are still "superior," the idea of owning a dog is intriguing me more and more.
7 Beauty Characteristics
I was actually tagged for this by two peeps: Yumiko and Rinny. Yumiko is a Nana-doppelganger I swear and has naturally gray eyes I covet (and feebly seek to emulate via circle lens >_>). She also fangirls over kdramas and it's kinda cute xD Rinny has a well-rounded blog covering the kind of makeup I'm interested in and petite fashion (tho the latter is something I am rather the opposite of xD). She has a way of reviewing the exact type of makeup I'm interested in. It's crazy because she's actually one of the first bloggers that popped out to me many months ago before I even had a blog ^^ So...7 things I like about myself:1. Hair: I will never go bald. As uncooperative as it is, I have a lot of it and it has a lot of natural volume.
2. Brows: They're naturally full (and bushy without plucking). Never needed to bother about filling in brows or such very much.
3. Eyelashes: Pretty long though it wouldn't kill them to be thicker ;) Overall, I am content.
4. Legs: I like 'em. Not too short or long and pretty slim.
5. Feet: I think having small feet make me clumsy since they're disproportionate to my height :\ But I usually get the shoes I want since 5.5 is rarely out ^^ and they feed my illusions of being some kind of Cinderella.
6. "Witty" conversationalist: I'm reasonably sure I cross the line between chatty and chatterbox too often but I think (and hope) that it makes me fun to be around ^^ And I think being fun to be around is a beautiful characteristic mirite ^^;;?
7. Child at heart: Or immature. I reckon I'm more the latter, but "child-at-heart" sounds so much more palatable to my deluded ego ;)
Everybody do this ^_^! Cause there's something beautiful about everyone yup :D