The background is actually from Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland movie not the games ^_^
Hello everyone, even though it's way past Halloween, I hope you don't mind if I share my Halloween look with you ^_^ I was Alice from the game by American McGee. The sequel to Alice, which is called Alice 2: Madness Returns is coming out in 2011 and I am so excited :D!! Alice's look has changed a bit between the games; so I chose to base my look off of pre-released screencaps of Alice 2. In Alice 2 she has gotten older, has a side part in her hair and even a bit of lipgloss ^_^ Otherwise, she still has her trademark blood-spattered blue dress+apron, vivid green eyes, gaunt face and infamous Vorpal Blade.
Oddly enough, it looks like she has red lipstick in some of her screen caps :\ but I decided to go with a nude, sickly lip color xD Overall, it was a pretty basic look and I had lots of fun getting into character~ Ehehe, I feel like I'm cosplaying more than anything else but it's all good yeah ;)?
Products Used:
Revlon Colorstay in Buff 150
NYX Single Eyeshadow in Blue Marine
UD Perversion (from UD BoSIII)
UD 24/7 Glide On Pencil in Yeyo
Koji Dolly Wink Liquid Liner
Maybelline The Falsies mascara
Revlon Fantasy Brows Pencil & Gel in Brown
Neutrogena Healthy Skin Custom Glow Blush & Bronzer Duo in Raisin Glow 50
TonyMoly BBcream Party Pact in Shade 2
Lioele Silky Highlighter BB Touch
R&R Contrived Pressed Blush in Foreplay
NYX Round Lipstick in Thalia
NYX Round Lipstick in Rea
C.O. Bigalow Menthe Lip Gloss
Circle Lens: Super Nudy Green (at 14.5mm these are unbelievably huge O_O I would never wear these except for cosplaying/costumes....I look like a deranged cat, which is perfect for the Alice look ;) And the color is super bright, like a lizard, so they show up like none other. Proper review coming up soon.)
Costume: from FoundCostume for $42.99 + $5.99 S&H = $48.98 in Medium. It is now listed as $39.92, prolly cuz Halloween is over (lesson: shop for costumes earlier :P). Anyway, I will review my ordering experience with this website in a separate post because I have quite a bit to say about it.
Note on Lashes: I would actually highly recommend thick, dramatic lashes for this look :) Just be sure to apply the lower lashes below the white highlighting on the waterline. Since Alice's eye makeup is basically an overdone smoky eye, it would add a lot. You might have noticed I don't bother with false lashes very often and it's because I don't like wearing them and don't have many false lashes on hand (the only two I have are very natural looking) :\ but false lashes do add a lot to a look, especially on Halloween, so do wear them if you have a nice pair.
I planned on making this much more extreme (aka much heavier eyeshadow, more contouring) but I HATE the Neutrogena Blush & Bronzer Duo in Raisin Glow 50 I've been using to contour - it was becoming so streaky and orange that I simply could not build up the layers. DO NOT BUY IT! Ironically, I use it a lot but it is flat out because I haven't had time to pick up anything else. It's very streaky and hard to work with. Also the blush is right next to the bronzer, so all the glitter from the blush (which is very pigmented) ends up mixing with the bronzer. Plus it oxidizes orange. I'm going to do a post about this product later (I'm so back logged on reviews because of these Halloween looks) but yeah, don't buy this item. On the upside, I found a use for the NYX Round Lipsticks Thalia and Rea! If you recall, I reviewed my NYX Haul and said that these two colors were terribly unflattering on me...well, they're perfect for sick/zombie/unhealthy/undead looks xD Thalia has a purple undertint (so I look bruised) and Rea makes my lips look gray and chapped. It's really much more obvious in real life and it added a lot to the look :)
For once I was disgruntled how good the lighting was that day >_> It's hardly creepy...well, at least you can see the make up ^_^ Also, you can't see it here but my contouring is so streaky and orange, I was my review of the Neutrogena Blush & Bronzer Duo I will include a picture from this set that shows how streaky and orange it really was. But for now~
I also ventured outside to snap a shot in the classic Alice pose... I'm very pleased I look properly 'mad' here :D I wish I had some fake blood but I got too lazy to make my own :( Next year I must order some Mehron Coagulated Blood to add to the effect...
In retrospect I really wish I had worn some kind of underskirt to poof out the dress more *sigh* Ah well, maybe next time. The above pose is based off the box cover of the first Alice game:
I really wasn't getting shots I liked so I decided to break out the Po-shopping skillz....! These are all screencaps from the Alice games, you might remember the first one from the sneak peak a few days ago ^_^
I think my favorite is still the one at the very top of this post, the one in front of the gate :D
Also for people who like a little behind-the-scenes, here are the original pics I took and some of the screencaps I used to create the pics above. Since I wanted to paste myself into a new background, I needed to be against a solid background. And I'm standing on a white posterboard so I don't get my carpet dirty :P So scary huh ><? And yes, I am posing with a real knife mwahaha :D
*whew* Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this look! I'm going to be focusing on reviews again for the next several weeks and take a break from makeup-ing~