So yeah...I recorded this in December with every intention of posting it on 12/31/2010. Oh well. ahaha I did say procrastination was one of my New Year Resolutions ^_^ Also it surprises me a bit that people are more interested in seeing wearable, every day looks (see poll to right..and vote ^_~), but I guess it's just because I personally enjoy watching more costume-y tutorials xD Anyway, here is my stab at a wearable look (ironically, for a holiday when most people wear dramatic, party looks hehe). I had a mild cold in this video so sorry if I sound a little "sleepy" :}
Products Used:
NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil in Milk
Maybelline Charcoal Smokes Quad
Maybelline Designer Chocolates
Koji Dolly Wink Liquid Liner in Black
* UD Uzi (optional)
* UD Maui Wowie (optional)
Maybelline The Falsies Mascara in Black
UD 24/7 Glide Pencil in Lucky
Lioele Silky Highlighter BB Touch
NYX Mosaic Blush in Dare
Etude House Dear Darling Lipstick in Coral Shine 07
The All Natural Face lipgloss in Aztec Gold
* = from UD Book of Shadows 3
I dunno why the pic on the left turned out so green and the right so yellow :P Colors are most accurate in face shots. Anyway, I was aiming to create a wearable, but still celebratory look that blended berry reds, silvers, and golds~ The colors were inspired by how Chinese believe red and gold is lucky and how white and silver are supposed to "rabbit year" colors.
In any case, I really like the Maybelline Expert Wear Quads, they're so...useful. Plus they're easy to get your paws on in drugstores/online and cheap to boot :D! I snagged two of mine at a BOGO 50% sale at Walgreens, thanks to Sisi Sparkles who posts drugstore sales every week. I own three Maybelline Quads: Charcoal Smokes, Natural Smokes, and Designer Chocolates. I used two of them in this tut :} I have fantasies of owning ALL the quads, but since I just picked up the UD Naked Palette *sigh* I will have to refrain from getting any more "neutral" palettes.
The red crease color from Maybelline's Designer Chocolates also really strikes me as a dupe for the burnished red/berry color in the NARS Cheyenne duo.
Temptalia's swatch makes it seem like NARS Cheyenne's is a wee bit on the brown side and more pigmented. I can't say for sure though since I've never seen the duo in real life. But Maybelline's red crease color in just about the only red-ish eye shadow I can work with - it's a soft, shimmery berry red color, it's the whole reason I purchased that palette. I'll be doing a collective review of Maybelline Quads so I'll do swatches then :}
To amp up the look, of course, I whipped out my trusty UD Book of Shadows III!
Uzi and Maui Wowie are glittery shades and have a bit of fallout. Not bad though :) I consider these colors "optional" colors for this look though, the red crease color is really the showpiece ^_^
And yes, I cut my hair. I regret it so much. I asked the hair dresser to trim off 2-3 inches and she chopped off SIX inches within seconds of saying, "Nah, 3 isn't enough, you have too much hair." *snipsnip* Me: O_O?! It was so much hair it looked like a small possum had died behind my chair.
Ugh, the trials of getting your hair cut by one of your mom's friends - I swear that Korean ahjummas are fully content to make decisions FOR you whether they're your mom or not if you're below the age of 30. I should've just gone to my trusty (and more expensive) hair stylist. All I'd wanted was to trim off my split ends, retouch my bangs, grow my hair for 2-3 more months, snip off the whole shebang to donate, and get a bob cut -___- Now I have to grow my hair out again for another year to donate (minimum hair length is 10 in) and I am deeply unsatisfied with my hair. For one thing she didn't thin my hair so my head still feels "heavy" and my hair is even frizzier O_O And while it still feels heavy and unmanagable, I am much more limited with the hair styles I can do. I miss having my tumble of hair to play with. Now I shed just as much, my hair is frizzier, and I am stuck doing braids and little pony tails. Whine, whine, bitch n moan *sigh* I'm such a baby. I know hair grows back, but I miss my little cape of hair :(
Ok, enough of that xP Time to go eat some macarons and drool over Iron Chef reruns!